The Pantanal is currently on fire in Brazil, in this carrd you will find information about the location and why it is important, articles & petitions and websites to donate.


The Pantanal is the world's largest tropical wetland area or the world's largest flooded grassland. This is due to its position in relation to the Andes and the South American Low-Level Jet that channels moisture from the Amazon to this region.

The Pantanal is strongly dependent on the moisture and rainfall from the Amazon. It is worth noting that 40-50% of the cloud condensation nuclei are by-products of the Amazon forest. So, deforestation of the Amazon can and will exacerbate the droughts in the Pantanal.

In spite of being the world's largest flooded grassland, the Pantanal is on fire this year. This is due to the combined effect of a severe drought that already lasted 2 years, manmade fires and total inaction from the government.

The Pantanal is home to an extraordinary biodiversity with more than 600 bird species, 300 fish species, 236 mammalian species, 141 reptile and amphibian species, and more than 3500 plant species. Which are being killed by these fires.